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Guest Contributor’s Guide

We’re thrilled that you want to contribute to the GoodBiz Blog! We believe that your ideas and what you do are really important and that you have a lot to contribute to the advancement of Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Australia.

We pride ourselves on providing our community with valuable, high quality content. To maintain these standards, we ask our guest contributors to adhere to the following guidelines:

Before you continue, please:

  1. familiarise yourself with the GoodBiz Blog
  2. get acquainted with our Terms and Conditions
  3. review all the information presented on this page.

Step 1: Figure out what to write about

If you saw an article, event, podcast, or piece of news you found interesting, or if you have great news or want to write your own thing, we want to know about it! You can contribute any type of relevant material. Please select from the below categories to learn more.

Reviewing existing material

Review (of a piece of news, article, podcast, blog, video, book, event, etc.)

Say you find a noteworthy piece of news, listen to a fascinating podcast or come across a controversial article you want to discuss — we want to talk about it too! A review of existing material is a quick and easy way you can contribute to the GoodBiz Network community. Our mantra is quality over quantity, and we aim for reviews between roughly 50–100 words.

If there’s something you’d like to review, just copy/paste the following template in a Word document and fill it out to get started!


Title: What will your post be called?
Type of review: Tell us here if this review is about a piece of news, book, etc.
Section: Which section(s) of our News & Blog should it go in?
Date written:  dd/mm/yyyy
Source: This MUST be included. Tell us in detail where you found the original piece — e.g. the URL, podcast name and episode, book title and author, etc.
Images and captions: Tell us what images you’re attaching to your submission email and how they should be captioned and credited. THIS IS CRUCIAL!
Key words: Provide at least three key words/tags related to your post
Your short bio: Write a short bio (50 words or less) to be shown alongside your review. Feel free to write in first or third person and include links to your social media. Also, attach your profile picture.
 Extra information: Is there anything else we should know that you would like to include?
 Review: And here goes your review! Aim for between 50–100 words. Think about why you found it relevant, what the readers will find interesting or useful and be sure to mention the original author or source. You can take a look at one of our previews reviews here.

Writing an original piece

  • Analysis
  • Article
  • Blog
  • Podcast
  • Press release
  • Study report, thesis or similar
  • Something else of your own creation

Opinion pieces and other blog posts normally range between 400–1000 words. However, we prefer quality over quantity, so if what you want to say requires more or less words, we understand. Also, think about using subheadings, bullet points, quotes, and so on, to make your piece easier to read.

Please hyperlink any URLs that you would like to be included in the final piece.

Please copy/paste the following template in a Word document and fill it out to get started!


Title: What will your post be called?
Type of post: Tell us here if this is an article, analysis, blog, study report, etc.
Section: Which section(s) of our News & Blog should it go in?
Date written: dd/mm/yyyy
Source: Your own creation
Images and captions: Tell us what images you’re attaching to your submission email and how they should be captioned and credited. THIS IS CRUCIAL!
Key words: Provide at least three key words/tags related to your post
Your short bio: Write a short bio (50 words or less) to be shown alongside your review. Feel free to write in first or third person and include links to your social media. Also, attach your profile picture.
Extra information: Is there anything else we should know that you would like to include?
Content: And here goes your post! Aim for between 400–1000 words. Remember using subheadings, bullet points, quotes, and so on. You can take a look at one of our previews posts here –this is as a blog format.

Press releases and company news

We suggest that your material:


  • briefly outlines the who, what, when, where, why and how of the announcement
  • includes the names and contact details of people who can be contacted for further information
  • includes a release date — either ‘Hold For Release Until ***’ or marked ‘For Immediate Release’.


Is there something else you want to contribute that we haven’t mentioned yet? Please drop us a line at news@GoodBizNetwork.org.au  and tell us what it is. We’ll do what we can to make your thoughts heard.

Step 2. Submit your piece

When you’re finished writing, submit your piece to news@GoodBizNetwork.org.au  with the subject line ‘Written Submission’. But before you submit your material, please make sure that you:

  • Proofread your piece and ask a colleague to proofread it as well.
  • Attach at least one high-resolution photograph or related image. Please, ensure that you own or have purchased the rights to use that image.


We are really keen to hear your thoughts, so if you need some extra help, please feel free to send us your piece while it’s still in the draft stage or get in touch to discuss your ideas before you even begin writing.

It’s important to know that all contributions are subject to editing, publication is at our discretion and we reserve the right to remove posts that violate our Terms and Conditions. However, if you follow our template and the dot points above, there’s a great chance your material will be published.

After submission, the GoodBiz Network editorial team will review your contribution and be in touch within 48 working hours. If you haven’t heard from us by then, please contact us at info@GoodBizNetwork.org.auor on (03) 9013-5997


Step 3. Spread the love!

We’ll let you know once your material is published so that you can share it loud and proud. Share it with your peers, your boss, your friends, your aunty, your neighbour — everyone!

We’re so excited to have you as a guest contributor and we really want to give the community the best opportunity to hear what you have to say, so if it’s okay with you, we’d love to include your photo and a note of appreciation in the next newsletter.

And that’s all! Please let us know if you have any comments or questions. You can get in touch with us by email info@GoodBizNetwork.org.au  or by phone (03) 9013-5997. Thank you so much for taking the time to contribute to the GoodBiz Network. We look forward to having you on board!
