New tool tracks success of workplace giving program
A new online reporting tool is allowing employers to track the success of their workplace giving programs.
The tool is part of the One Million Donors campaign, which aims to see one million Australians giving through the workplace by 2020.
The availability of the new reporting tool marks the start of the June Workplace Giving Month and was launched by Richard Murray, CEO of JB Hi-Fi, Dr Lisa O’Brien CEO of The Smith Family and Jenny Geddes, CEO of The Australian Charities Fund (ACF).
“For the first time, this new online platform allows employers to benchmark the progress of their workplace giving program against other employers across the nation,” said Murray. “This is a huge step forward for employers who want to immediately see how staff are contributing and to measure the collective social impact effort of employee giving.
“June is also significant for JB Hi-Fi reaching $10 million in donations through its workplace giving program, Helping Hands.”
O’Brien said donations from workplace givers are a great source of funding.
“Small regular gifts have a cumulative effect,” she said. “It is this type of regular giving that helps to build a sustainable funding base for charities.
“I urge business leaders to get behind One Million Donors and help their employees donate to charity in in the most cost effective and efficient way.”
Geddes said, “Workplace giving is a win-win for businesses, employees and charities alike with working Australians able to make small, regular donations to charity from their pay.
“For employers, workplace giving is a great way to not only contribute to charity, but also meet the expectation of their staff in terms of what they are looking for in a leading employer. This is a unique opportunity for all businesses, both big and small.”